Georgia governor and unofficial Donald Trump butt-wiper Brian Kemp signed a proposal into law Wednesday that basically treats police officers as a protected class because white conservatives have convinced themselves that “blue” people are actually an oppressed minority. What’s worse is that the bill was pushed by state Senate Republicans as an ultimatum demanding it be signed into law otherwise they wouldn’t approve a hate-crime bill that had finally gained overwhelming support and approval after the killing of Ahmaud Arbery.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports Kemp signed House Bill 838 into law and called it a “step forward as we work to protect those who are risking their lives to protect us.”
“While some vilify, target and attack our men and women in uniform for personal or political gain, this legislation is a clear reminder that Georgia is a state that unapologetically backs the blue,” Kemp said in a statement.
First of all, according to Fox 28, in 2017, the Georgia Senate passed, not one, not two, but THREE separate bills aimed at increasing protections for law enforcement in the state and their families. The most significant of those bills was Senate Bill 160 also known as the “Back the Badge Act,” which allows juveniles to be tried as an adult if charged with aggravated assault with a firearm or aggravated battery against a police officer and imposes longer prison sentences for anyone convicted of those crimes.
Here are the other two as reported by Fox 28:
Senate Bill 154 will significantly increase the amount of money received by a family of a fallen law enforcement officer by 50 percent, totaling $150,000 from the State Indemnification Fund.
Senate Bill 155 creates a nine-person Local Law Enforcement Compensation Commission to review the salaries and benefits states law enforcement officers receive in Georgia and report its findings to the Georgia General Assembly.
Somebody please ask this mouth-breathing Vanilla Wafer who is in charge of Georgia as well as the state’s Senate Republicans why they’re taking this “racks on racks on racks” approach to police protection legislation. And while you’re at it, ask them why they would hold a very much needed and long overdue hate-crime bill hostage in order to pass a bill that has essentially already been passed.
From AJC:
It was shoehorned into and then carved out of a landmark hate-crimes measure that won overwhelming approval after years of inaction in the Georgia Legislature, gaining traction only after graphic video emerged of the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man killed in Glynn County in what prosecutors say was a racist attack.
As part of a compromise to win approval of the hate-crimes bill, Senate Republicans demanded the passage of a separate proposal that would create the new offense of “bias motivated intimidation” of a police officer or other first responder.
Let’s take this time to acknowledge the fact that it took just under three months for all three men involved in Arbery’s death to be arrested and charged. Let’s talk about the fact that the original district attorney who was handed the case, George Barnhill, wrote a long letter explaining that Travis, Gregory McMichael and Bryan William were justified in shooting Arbery and that his office did not “see grounds for an arrest of any of the three parties.” Barnhill then went on to fix his Klan-kissing woodpecker lips to say that the men were simply trying to “stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived.”
Listen: If you dig around the archives of the internet, you might come across a story where a slain police officer’s case was treated with that level of indifference by legal officials, but it’s highly doubtful.
Yet, Kemp and his fellow bootlickers would have us believe that overkill legislation to protect already protected police officers is just as important as the first hate-crime legislation in the history of the state of Georgia finally being signed into law.
It’s almost as if these “Blue Lives Matter” fucks are just racist. Shocking, I know.
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