George Zimmerman Signs Autographs at Florida Gun Show

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George Zimmerman doesn't understand why his signing autographs at a gun show in Florida might spark public outrage, so that's how he spent his weekend, according to Mediaite.

The former neighborhood watchman, who was acquitted last year in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, was at the New Orlando Gun Show signing autographs on pictures of him with his dog. When he was asked by one of the reporters present if he could understand how some people might be mad about his decision to attend, he said, "No, I don't."

Zimmerman, who was slated to appear in a celebrity boxing match before a national outcry led to its cancellation, said he was at the event to thank his supporters who stood by him during the trial. "The concept of being able to pay them back for what they did for me and seeing my supporters face-to-face was something I just couldn't pass up," he said, saying he had no intention of laying low.


He was, however, forced to use a smaller off-site venue after the general manager of the Majestic Event Center, the original site, said that he was not allowed on the show's main grounds, Mediaite notes.


Zimmerman tweeted at Fox News' Megyn Kelly that it was "another company bowing to threats of being labeled racist."


Read more at Mediaite.