George Zimmerman’s Money Troubles Continue

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George Zimmerman's wife and attorney have settled a lawsuit with CMR Associates, the firm hired to provide security for Zimmerman and his family while he stood trial for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

The former neighborhood-watch volunteer refused to settle the lawsuit with the private investigation firm that provided security for the Zimmerman family in 2012. The firm says it provided a two-person security detail around the clock to Zimmerman and his family members and was owed $27,000 plus interest for past-due invoices.

Shortly after the shooting death of Trayvon, Zimmerman hired attorney Mark O'Mara, who hired CMR, the Orlando Sentinel reports.


CMR set up an elaborate security detail and began billing for $7,000 a week. Chris Rumbaugh, the head of CMR, filed suit a year ago, accusing Zimmerman and O'Mara of agreeing to an elaborate security plan then failing to pay in full.


"I'm very professional," Rumbaugh said. "I did a very professional job. Nothing happened to them while they were under my watch."


Rumbaugh told the Orlando Sentinel that O'Mara and Shellie Zimmerman settled by paying a combined $30,000.

Zimmerman's money woes don't end there. The 30-year-old, who is currently free on bail, accused of threatening his girlfriend with a shotgun and shoving her, is facing $2.5 million in bills from his criminal-defense attorneys, the Sentinel reports.


Originally, attorneys O'Mara and Don West offered to defend Zimmerman for free, but once the attorneys found out that Zimmerman and his family had created a online defense fund they wanted their due. O'Mara charges $400 an hour, he told the Sentinel, and West $350. Each billed Zimmerman for about 3,000 hours.

Zimmerman paid "a minute amount" immediately after his acquittal in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, O'Mara told the Sentinel.


O'Mara and West are hoping to receive more, but according to court documents released last week, the pair may have to wait quite some time. Zimmerman was reported to have just $144 to his name, the Sentinel reports.

Read more at the Orlando Sentinel here and here.