George Zimmerman Involved in Gun-Related Incident

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Twitter is in an absolute uproar in response to reports that George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of murder in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, has been involved in another incident involving a firearm.

The Associated Press is reporting that George Zimmerman's wife summoned police to her father's house in Florida on Monday because Zimmerman had threatened her with a gun. At present Zimmerman has not been arrested, and "officers are at the house trying to determine what happened." This is not Zimmerman's first time back in the news since the conclusion of his controversial murder trial: He has been stopped twice for speeding, and his wife recently filed for divorce.

Those who rooted for Zimmerman's conviction in the murder trial are expressing their outrage on Twitter — not shock, but anger that Zimmerman is free to be involved in something like this again.


Read more at the Associated Press.

Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.