Following the spate of bad press that George Zimmerman has received since he was acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin, Don Lemon, in a piece at BlackAmericaWeb, suggests that he borrow a page from Casey Anthony and disappear from the spotlight.
… George, you had the audacity to take a big, cheesy smiley picture while touring the gun factory where the type of gun you used to kill Trayvon Martin is made. You didn’t break the law with that one, but you certainly broke every rule relating to decency, and empathy, and couth.
George Zimmerman, haven’t you any shame? Have you no decency? No self-awareness.
Don’t you realize that while you escaped a life sentence the person you killed no longer has a life, and even though you were acquitted, like it or not, the reality is that there are many people around the world who are convinced that you got away with murder. And perhaps you should spare those people, especially Trayvon Martin’s grieving mother and father, the unwanted burden, of having to see or hear about you in the media, in some cases seemingly gloating for your good fortune and your freedom. Spare them. Spare us …
Read Don Lemon's entire piece at BlackAmericaWeb.
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