Satan reportedly only had two children—one of whom has ascended to the highest office in the land and the other who is in Florida living a dismal life after killing a 17-year-old and continuing to remind everyone that he’s a soulless killer by ripping away at the child’s death.
George Zimmerman, who will, for clarity’s sake, be referred to as “Horse Dung,” has filed a lawsuit against Democratic presidential nominees Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg for tweeting their condolences and remorse on the birthday of Trayvon Martin.
Hold on I’m getting a phone call.
Me: Hello?
Voice: Hey, this is Satan.
Me: Umm...Hey, Satan?
Satan: Yeah I don’t fuck with George Zimmerman. He’s not my son. I don’t even know that bama. In fact I don’t know why he’s still…..
Me: Hello?
Other than working as a mime at Ku Klux Klan rallies or laying flat on the highway to function as a speed bump, Horse Dung shouldn’t be a thing but he is. And he is a thing for killing a teen, walking free and then gloating about killing a child. He just won’t stop. He won’t disappear. And I blame everyone. Those who’ve emboldened him, those in the court system that keep taking these hurtful and duplicitous lawsuits, those who see him about to bite into a sandwich and don’t knock that shit out of his hand. Where’s PETA? I blame them, too. Why hasn’t PETA shamed him? Why haven’t they thrown red paint all over his wraparound sunglasses that all fake cops wear?
Not only did he kill Trayvon Martin but he won’t stop harassing and antagonizing the boy’s parents. In December 2019, Horse Dung “filed a $100 million lawsuit against attorney Ben Crump and the family of Trayvon Martin.”
“According to a press release provided to The Root, the lawsuit alleges that Rachel Jeantel, the prosecution’s key witness during the 2013 trial, was both ‘an imposter and fake witness.’ The suit also accuses Crump of defamation for remarks made in his recently published book, Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People.’”
But get this: The tweets from Warren and Buttigieg don’t even mention Horse Dung!
From Yahoo News:
The lawsuit cited separate tweets both candidates posted on 5 February, the victim’s birthday, in which they call out issues of gun violence and prejudice in the US.
“Trayvon Martin would have been 25 today,” Mr Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, wrote in his tweet. “How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear?#BlackLivesMatter.”
Ms Warren (D—MA) said her “heart goes out” to the shooting victim’s family and friends, writing: “He should still be with us today.”
The senator added: “We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free.”
Somehow, inside the shit stain that is Horse Dung’s brain, he believes that commemorating the life of a child he killed, defames him.
Dung’s lawsuit claims that Buttigieg and Warren were committing “defamation with actual malice or at a minimum a reckless disregard for the truth,” Yahoo reports.
Dung, also adds that the Democratic presidential candidates falsely tied Trayvon’s death to gun violence and are part of a “political agenda to garner votes in the black community.”
“It is high time that the cheap and harmful use of the race card by politicians of all stripes be made to cease and desist,” Zimmerman’s attorney and founder of conservative legal rights group Judicial Watch, Larry Klayman, said in a statement, according to Newsweek.
“Their despicable ‘race tactics’ are not only causing great harm to persons such as my client George Zimmerman, but also are damaging relations between black and white Americans who are all brothers.
“The nation should applaud Mr. Zimmerman for taking a strong stand and pushing back against hack politicians like Buttigieg and Warren, who know no bounds of decency and frankly could obviously care less about whom they hurt in their quest to dishonesty use and manipulate black voters to win the 2020 Democrat presidential primary.”
The. Nation. Should. Applaud. Horse. Dung.
I’m lost. I don’t know what else to say. I’ve been lost since the tragic death of Trayvon and the callous insensitivity that has surrounded his death as if parents didn’t lose their baby. The Halloween costumes, the countless heartless posts on social media. Dung even went so far as to auction the gun he used to kill the teen.
Dung isn’t deserving of more words. It isn’t bad enough that he stole that young man’s life, he’s now trying to steal his legacy and commemorative tweets that aren’t even about him. But this is what horse dung does once you’ve stepped in it. Even once you’ve washed and cleaned your shoes, the smell stays with you.