GALLUP: Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama

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President Obama's job-approval rating averaged 88 percent among blacks and 38 percent among whites in July, a 50-percentage-point difference that has been consistent in recent months but is much larger than in the initial months of the Obama presidency. Obama's job-approval ratings among blacks, whites and Hispanics in July are all at their lowest levels to date, although the overwhelming majority of blacks still approve. Blacks' approval of the job Obama is doing dipped below the 90 percent threshold for the second month in a row in July; the 88 percent July average is the lowest monthly average approval rating that blacks have given Obama yet, although not significantly lower than the 89 percent recorded in June. The slight drop in blacks' ratings since May matches the pattern among whites and Hispanics. Obama's June and July ratings among whites are the lowest monthly ratings of his administration among that group, as is his 54 percent July rating among Hispanics. Obama's approval has slipped among all groups, including blacks, although we still support him to a greater extent than other groups. Having said that, it is clear that you cannot take black voters for granted. Is anyone paying attention to this memo?