Gabrielle Union has never had trouble speaking her mind, and we love her for it.
As a successful, confident Black woman who isn’t afraid to live in her truth, she often finds herself as the target of criticism from internet trolls who absolutely cannot handle a strong woman. Back in May 2023, she was the subject of social media tirades from men who were upset when she revealed that she and husband, Dwyane Wade, “split everything 50/50” when it comes to household finances.
She was accused of emasculating Wade and not being a supportive partner, which is a wild thing to say about someone else’s marriage. The NBA Hall of Famer cleared the air himself while appearing on the “Club Shay Shay” podcast in June 2023, explaining that they each pay for their own responsibilities, but share the finances that affect their household. Um, that sounds like a reasonable way to handle things, but obviously all these misogynists felt differently.
Apparently, one of them didn’t get the memo that splitting things 50/50 was a bad thing, because on Wednesday, they wrote on X, “Bitches rather pay all her bills than to submit to a man and pay 50/50.”
“The Perfect Find” star had some thoughts on this comment, quote tweeting it with, “Wholeup wholeup wholeup. I thought 50/50 was no bueno. And wouldn’t 50/50 be ‘submitting’ to one another? And what precisely do we need to do to not be considered a bitch?”
As usual, Union is not wrong. These trolls pop up anytime a woman, famous or not, expressing her independence or lack of need for a man. Starting your comment with “Bitches” immediately lets us know that nothing else you say is worth listening to, because you clearly have zero respect for women. As the “Being Mary Jane” star asked, why is it “submitting” to pay half of the household expenses? Splitting it means you’re both contributing, therefore it’s a partnership, which is what really threatens these jerks.
When you tweet nonsense like this, you’re saying more about yourself than women. Men with these outdated opinions are so scared of not measuring up against a successful, independent partner, their only recourse is to blame women and make it seem like they’re the catch in this situation. Spoiler alert: You’re not.
Just so it’s clear, if you think a woman needs to “submit” to you to make any aspect of the relationship acceptable, yes, we’d rather pay our own bills and stay single. You are not worth our time.