Donald Glover, FX and Marvel have split up over “creative differences” on a proposed animated Deadpool series. When the project was announced, Glover, along with his brother Stephen, was slated to create the animated, adult action-comedy series for FX’s comedy-focused platform, FXX.
In a statement released Saturday, the network wrote (h/t to Variety), “Due to creative differences, FX, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover and Marvel Television have agreed to part ways on Marvel’s Deadpool animated series.”
Anticipation ran high for the show, with Deadpool receiving a 10-episode straight-to-series order last May. The animated series was set to debut this year, but as Variety notes, the show was not in active production; “nor is it believed that any scripts had been delivered.”
The trade publication speculates that Donald Glover may have had too much on his plate to make the show work. Not only is he writing and starring in the critically acclaimed TV show Atlanta, but Glover’s upcoming projects include two eagerly awaited movies: Solo: A Star Wars Story and Disney’s live-action Lion King, for which he will voice Simba. Earlier this year, the actor and musician (who performs under the name Childish Gambino) also welcomed the arrival of his second son with his partner, Michelle.
There’s no word yet on whether Marvel will continue developing an animated version of Deadpool. The sequel to the blockbuster Deadpool film, Deadpool 2, will hit theaters in May and will feature Glover’s Atlanta co-star Zazie Beetz as Domino.