In case you’ve been living under a rock and missed the latest Kanye West development, the controversial rapper recently announced his plans to open up his own porn website and studio soon.
The shocking news, as previously covered by The Root, was apparently a long time coming for the “Power” rapper as he’d been reportedly planning on making this happen for some time now. In a since- expired post to his Instagram a week ago, West put it plainly: “Yeezy porn is cumming.” Clever (*insert eye roll here*).
What’s more is that the “Donda” artist intends to establish his “Yeezy Porn” studio which would be an imprint of a larger adult entertainment division at the parent Yeezy company. In an effort to make matters even more legitimate, West has also reportedly been in contact with porn star Stormy Daniels’ ex-hubby Mike Moz to help facilitate his vision. As you know, Daniels is the woman at the center of Donald Trump’s current criminal trial taking place in New York City.
Trump connection aside, we think this pivot warrants fans and folks to question—as we’ve done with many of Ye’s decisions over the last several years—how in the hell did we get here? We mean, seriously?
In 2019, Ye was a fresh Christian covert, telling folks at a listening party: “I am not here for your entertainment this afternoon...we are here to spread the gospel. I am a recent convert. It means I recently got saved within this year.”
That same year and the next, he was hosting multiple “Sunday Services” with his own choir and a gang of notable celebs like Dave Chappelle, Chance the Rapper, Idris and Sabrina Elba, Gayle King and more. He also released two gospel albums: “Jesus Is King” and “Jesus is Born.”
Now, just a mere four years later and Ye apparently now has “issues with Jesus,” issues with prayer, and said “fuck every Christian that watched me have my kids taken out of my control.” And we don’t even have to get into his antiSemitic comments, comments about Hitler and his love for Trump, less than stellar business dealings, or his run-down school. Now, he’s opening up a porn studio?
We know we all have fallen short according to the Good Book, but this looks more like a harrowing and rapid descent than a mere veer off the path. And we don’t see anything holy about it.