In another case of white fragility gone wild, a father-and-son referee duo refused to work a New Jersey high school football game because black players triggered the refs’ pwetty wittle feelings by taking a knee.
According to the Associated Press, Ernie and Anthony Lunardelli refused to work a game between Colts Neck and Monroe high schools Friday when four players from Monroe High bent down to one knee during the national anthem on their home field. The men say they had informed both schools’ officials that they wouldn’t ref the game if one person protested during their beloved “Star-Spangled Banner.”
Ernie Lunardelli, an 18-year veteran of high school football officiating, said: “What they are doing with this kneeling and everything, they have the right do to that, but the national anthem has nothing to do with them kneeling.”
He added: “The flag has got nothing to do with why they are protesting. If they want to protest, let them protest, but don’t disrespect our country, the flag and the armed forces.”
Ernie just wants the players to stop protesting and play football, just like we want Ernie and his son to shut up, stop acting like snowflakes and throw false start flags. The Lunardellis’ advocacy of respecting songs and the anthem apparently outweighs their regard for football players literally protesting disrespect of actual people.
Lunardelli Jr. and Sr. stood for the anthem before the game and then walked off the field. The game, however, didn’t miss a beat, since authorities quickly replaced them with two officials who refereed the game without problems. Meanwhile, Ernie and Anthony drove home and made sweet love to the moist slit between the eighth and ninth stripes (representing the slave states) on their beloved banner, as Francis Scott Key’s seductive lyrics played softly in the background.
Read more at the Associated Press.