Fox: Obama's B-Day Was a 'Hip-Hop BBQ'

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Fox calls Obama's birthday "hip-hop" BBQ: In today's "Racially coded messaging that's so blatant it makes us squirm" news, Fox lists the guests in attendance and the menu ("Dinner: BBQ chicken, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta, salad. Dessert: apple, peach, huckleberry and cherry pies; chocolate cake") and points out (exclamation point in the original, because this is so scandalous) "The president asked everyone to dance — and they did!" as evidence of the characterization. Oh, and they make sure to blast the event for failing to create jobs (because most non-"hip-hop" birthday parties do?). We can't make this stuff up, and are quite honestly still holding out hope that the piece is a joke.

Famous HBCU grads: This can't be all of them. What noteworthy grads are missing from the Huffington Post's collection?

Obama's 10 cutest moments: It had to be hard for Madamenoir to chose only 10 from the president's 50 years, but this list captures everything from childhood pics to inaugural-ball dances.


Is the market improving for black actresses? Not so much, according to the Atlanta Post. "In a world that's embracing multiculturalism, it seems that Blacks are inadvertently hurt by this trend in Hollywood. Black actresses have benefited from being the BFF but are now less likely to book the once sure-thing gig of playing the wife, girlfriend or romantic interest of a Black male character," R. Asmeron argues.

In other news: Rebuilding Haiti's Hospitality Industry.