Former KKK Leader David Duke Might Run for Congress

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David Duke was once the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Now the notorious white supremacist is contemplating a run for Congress (yes, in this day and age) against current House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, whom he calls a “sellout,” according to audio from BuzzFeed

“Steve Scalise, let me tell you something. This is the way I view it now: I mean, this guy is a sellout. I mean, he’s a sellout. He’s not David. He used to say that he was David Duke, of course, without the baggage, whatever that means,” the former grand wizard told Louisiana radio host Jim Engster on his show Wednesday.


“The New York Times admitted that the Republican Party won office and got control of the United States House of Representatives, essentially on my political issues,” he added. “Opposed to the massive illegal immigration, the issues of welfare reform, so many other issues that I’ve talked about, and but the difference is with someone like me, Steve Scalise or David Vitter—you know, the prostitution king, the difference between myself and those guys is that I did not sell out. I’ve never sold out.”


Duke’s beef with Scalise started as December was drawing to a close. It was discovered that the Louisiana Republican had spoken before a convention for the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, a “white nationalist group,” in 2002, placing the politician under intense scrutiny.


Scalise, for his part, said that he had no idea that the group, founded in 2000 by Duke himself, was associated with the grand wizard and that he would not have spoken if he had known.

“I didn’t know who all of these groups were, and I detest any kind of hate group. For anyone to suggest that I was involved with a group like that is insulting and ludicrous,” he said at the time.


Duke wasn’t impressed by Scalise’s attempt at an apology.

“He said specifically that he shouldn’t have gone to the European-American Unity and Rights Organization. That he shouldn’t have done it, it was a terrible mistake. He shouldn’t … what he’s basically saying is that 60 percent of his district—the same people, by the way, who voted for him—that they’re just nothing but a bunch of racists,” Duke said.


“You know, I’ve said nothing at that conference any different than I ran for office on. It wasn’t a Klan meeting,” he continued. “It wasn’t any sort of a radical meeting; it was a meeting that said there was European-American rights, right? So he is a sellout, right? Because, you know, he can’t meet with members of his own district who have opinions like I have, but he meets with radical blacks who have total opposite political positions than him.

“I call upon Steve Scalise to step down from his position of House of Representatives—in fact, he should resign his seat,” Duke then demanded, according to the report. “I might have to run against Steve Scalise because, you know, I really might. I mean, I’m definitely going to consider it because it’s so disgusting to me to see. … He got elected on false pretenses.”


Read more at BuzzFeed.