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Electric Slide? Now Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Two Step Has Taken Over Wedding Parties

Electric Slide? Now Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Two Step Has Taken Over Wedding Parties

Kendrick Lamar has started a new dance trend with his two step, people are even doing it to celebrate their marriage

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Image for article titled Electric Slide? Now Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Two Step Has Taken Over Wedding Parties
Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images)

Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl performance is still making noise and now people are doing his two-step down the aisle! Will the Kenny two-step be replacing the electric side? Is it the new dance for the Millennial and Gen-Z folk. Either way, one thing that is undeniable is that Kung Fu Kenny is wedding certified!

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KDot’s Angels

KDot’s Angels


The bridesmaids acting as KDot’s angels is a great way to enter a wedding reception.

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Everybody Caught A Vibe

Everybody Caught A Vibe


From the smiles shared around the bridal party to the cheering in the crowd, it’s clear to see that everyone was vibing with this entrance.

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Good Enough For The Aisle

Good Enough For The Aisle


Now what a way for the groom to walk down the aisle! Kendrick’s two step really spices up the whole process before the bride makes her way.

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Just The Instrumental

Just The Instrumental


Even if you are not doing the infamous two-step, the instrumental is versatile enough to accompany you down the aisle. It can get everyone out of their seats, and ready to be present during the ceremony.

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Bridesmaids Bop

Bridesmaids Bop


Maybe this two step can become a new bop for bridesmaids to do to open up the dance floor. Is there any better way to get the party going?

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Made For The Spotlight

Made For The Spotlight


Now this Groom was made for the spotlight. He is making his way down the aisle with so much effortless swag. Kind of like how Kendrick went down the stage!

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Make It Your Own

Make It Your Own


This wedding party added their own rehearsed twist to the song and they are killing it.

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Hip Hop Violin

Hip Hop Violin


Who said Rap can’t be classy? Just look at how this musician turns Kendricks “Luther,” and turns it into the most beautiful rendition.

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Even On The Sax

Even On The Sax


If the “Not Like Us” isn’t catchy enough already, this saxophone player will definitely get you out of your seat and doing the two step for yourself.

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Controversial Mixing

Controversial Mixing


And if you really want to get a wedding hype, why not have the DJ do a little controversial mixing? Kendrick got this wedding party bumping, but can the Drake mix at the end keep it going? Who will win that battle?

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Hyped Man and His Hype Woman

Hyped Man and His Hype Woman


This groom cannot get enough of the song. He is completely hype as he makes his way through the party but it’s his bride that;s hyping him up along the way.

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Slowing It Down

Slowing It Down


While “Not Like Us,” might be the most obvious Kendrick Lamar hit right now, his song “Love,” is another one that can fit the wedding vibe, and it is lovely.

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Kendrick Gets Everyone Out Of Their Seats

Kendrick Gets Everyone Out Of Their Seats


The dance floor was almost empty before the DJ started to play “Not Like Us.” Maybe it is the new wedding track.

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Word For Word, Bar For Bar

Word For Word, Bar For Bar


This wedding party can’t help but rap every single lyric and they do it with passion too.

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Planning The Two-Step

Planning The Two-Step


One bride even tests out how she’ll be doing the Kenny two-step in her wedding dress.

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Wap! Wap! Wap! Wap! Wap!

Wap! Wap! Wap! Wap! Wap!


The groom just can’t stop himself from getting lost in the song, especially when it comes to shouting “wap! wap! wap! wap! wap!”

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Channeling Their Inner Kendrick Lamar

Channeling Their Inner Kendrick Lamar


This couple are channeling their inner Kendrick Lamar for their wedding photoshoot and they look incredible doing it!

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Don’t Hurt Yourself Now!

Don’t Hurt Yourself Now!


The dancing in this wedding is serious! Handkerchiefs are being swung in the air and everyone is getting their groove on!

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With The Baby On The Hip

With The Baby On The Hip


You know it’s serious when instead of taking a second to stop you just put the baby on your hip and keep going. It’s not as easy as it looks!

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Dance Battling Bride

Dance Battling Bride


This couple had a dance battle to the song and this brides footwork must’ve made her a clear winner!

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Hitting Snooze

Hitting Snooze


And while everyone continues to have fun and bops their way down the aisle, some people are waiting for the fun to be over. Well, they can keep waiting because Kung Fu Kenny is wedding certified!
