For Middle-Class White Girls When Being Privileged Isn't Enough

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Clutch magazine's Kirsten West Savali responds to a Wall Street Journal op-ed about the college-admissions process.

When I read the Wall Street Journal op-ed written by graduating high school senior Suzy Lee Weiss, I was immediately floored by her intelligence, fearlessness and sheer commitment to exposing the discriminatory inequities inherent in the college admission process.

Many students rejected by their dream universities — in her case, Princeton, Yale, Vanderbilt and the University of Pennsylvania — would have accepted that they may not have met the needed admissions requirements; they may have even acknowledged that someone, somewhere may have been more qualified.

But not "sassy" Suzy, oh no …

Suzy did what any self-respecting privileged, young, white woman would do — she used her familial connections with the WSJ to pave the way for her brilliant op-ed, which otherwise may have languished in darkness, never to be seen by human eyes. This literary phenomenon, which places the blame squarely on the shoulders of those pesky black and brown people who don't deserve to go to college because, well, they're black and brown, has exposed the world's best-kept secret: "If it ain't white, it ain't right."

Read Kirsten West Savali's entire piece at Clutch magazine.

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