Here it is y’all. The Florida woman who fatally shot a Black mother four as the result of a years-long neighbor feud has entered the plea of *drumroll* not guilty. Honestly, we are not surprised. According to CNN, she also waived her arraignment and has been given a trial date.
Susan Lorincz, 58, is facing charges of manslaughter with a firearm and assault related to the fatal shooting of Ajike “AJ” Owens on June 2. Authorities say Owens’ children were playing in a field by Lorincz’s home when she grew agitated and went outside yelling racial slurs at them and throwing objects. When Owens was notified of the issue, she knocked on Lorincz’s front door and Lorincz fired a bullet through it and into Owens’ chest. She died shortly afterwards.
Lorincz’s plea is unsurprising given the information we’ve learned about her throughout this investigation. She initially told police officers she was being threatened by Owens and justified her actions under the “stand your ground” law. Body camera footage of the prior disputes she had with Owens showed her putting on her best face and insisting she was a quiet, friendly neighbor who was being harassed by everyone else.
Read more from WESH 2 Orlando:
“There is a defense that Susan wants to establish and I’m interested to find out what that exactly is,” said Anthony Thomas, who is an attorney for Owens’ family. Thomas said they expected Lorincz to claim innocence.
“It’s amazing that she’s taking this position, given everything that she’s admitted to in that arrest affidavit,” Thomas said.
“We’re praying for a conviction and a sentencing hearing that gives Susan the maximum penalty,” Thomas said. “[The family’s] biggest fear at this point is Susan being able to decrease her time in prison, whereas [Owens’] children would see her walking around in the streets as teenagers.”
Lorincz was granted a $154,000 bond set with a requirement of only 10 percent of the payment to be released from jail, the report says. However, she hasn’t posted the bond yet. Her neighbors are probably relieved considering they weren’t big fans of Lorincz. To local reporters, they described her as a Karen, who could always call 911 to complain about their children just being children.
Owens’ family attorney said Lorincz is lucky she’s not facing murder charges anymore. The 30-year prison sentence she’s already facing would’ve turned to life in prison real quick. Her pretrial hearing is scheduled for November 2 and her trial for November 13.
We may find out more details about the incident released in the evidence submitted in the meantime.