There hasn’t been this much crazy in a New York pulpit since Eddie Murphy dropped A Vampire In Brooklyn, but now all the dramedy is real.
Bishop Lamor Whitehead, the flamboyant pastor who this summer alone was robbed of a reported $1 million in jewelry and also sued for allegedly pilfering a congregant’s life savings to help himself buy a New Jersey mansion. But because crazy shit that happens in random churches comes in threes (yes, I just made that up), Whitehead found himself temporarily locked up over the weekend after trying to remove two women who apparently wanted to interrupt his sermon.
Whitehead was preaching at Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministry on Remsen Ave. near Avenue D in Canarsie on Sunday when two women walked in to the church in the middle of his sermon, he said.
Whitehead — who was robbed at gunpoint during a sermon over the summer — said the women entered “the same way it happened when my church got robbed.”
“I was almost done with my preaching and these two young ladies came in and sat in the back,” he recounted.
“You want to come preach? Come on up here,” Whitehead was heard saying to one of the women, who was off-camera, during a social media livestream of the services. “I’m gonna make you famous.”
Whitehead reportedly left the pulpit to confront the women and while the ruckus continued, somebody called the NYPD, who showed up and led the man of the cloth to jail, before releasing him a few hours later. He was not charged.
As for the women involved, one of them, identified as Tarsha Howard, is charged with disrupting a religious service and trespassing.