Dominick Davis, 41, of Jacksonville, Fla., had not had a haircut in 10 years, preferring to wear his mane in dreadlocks. Recently, though, Davis cut them all off because he believes that his hair may have been holding him back.
"It's time for a change, because enough is enough," Davis, an ex-offender who served six years in prison, told Action News Jax. "People feel like everyone that has dreads are bad people or they're criminals," he added, noting that he's hoping that the change in his appearance since his recent release may help him secure employment.
Davis told the news station that the uptick in Jacksonville crime by those described as having "dreads" also hasn't helped him.
"You turn on the TV, and if they have a suspect, the description is a person with dreads," said Davis, who told the news station that conforming to a professional look is part of seeking a job, and if dreads are attached to negativity, then he doesn't want any part.
"You absolutely have to dress. You can't go on an interview with jeans, T-shirt. You're basically selling yourself," he said.
Read more at Action News Jax.