First Lady Needs to Raise Her Game

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The Washington Post's Courtland Milloy wishes Michelle Obama would do serious work for the education of girls and skip the lighthearted television appearances.

It's time for first lady Michelle Obama to raise her game.

Nothing wrong with telling kids to eat their peas or showing them how to Hula-Hoop. But after four years of focusing on the body, she'd do well to spend these next four on building strong minds.

Especially girls'.

"If I had the first lady's ear, I'd say talk more about the kind of education that women and girls — girls of color, in particular — will need to make it in a global economy," said Avis Jones-DeWeever, executive director of the National Council of Negro Women. 

E. Faye Williams, chairwoman of the National Congress of Black Women, said: "I'd like to see her promote the important work being done by women in this country, talk more about how she overcame her own difficulties and encourage girls not to back away from goals that may seem out of reach."

Read Courtland Milloy's entire piece at the Washington Post.

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