First Lady Hits Gym Before Dawn

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In her tireless effort to stay in shape, first lady Michelle Obama tells readers at iVillage that she rises at 4:30 or 5 a.m. to fit in her workout before her children arise, especially during the school year, the Associated Press reports. She is serving as a guest editor this week at the women's website with a theme of "Rev Up Your Back-to-School Routine."

"Barack and I work out every day," the first lady told the site in an interview to appear online this week. "I usually get to the gym before he does. But he is usually there either in the middle of my workout or right at the end. And we're watching `SportsCenter' and we're catching up. That's why I know so much about sports … and you start having an opinion about (New York Jets quarterbacks Tim) Tebow and Mark Sanchez." 

If she's on the road, Mrs. Obama often brings a jump rope, she adds. "If I don't have a rope or space, I might do a 30-minute routine that includes a minute of jumping jacks alternating with a minute of push-ups, then some sit-ups. You take a 30-second break and do it again."

Read more at the Associated Press.
