First Family Looked Devastatingly Beautiful on Easter Sunday

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Easter is a time when people put on their Sunday best as they head to church service, and the first family looked absolutely amazing Sunday.

President Barack Obama and his family attended the service at Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Va., and afterward posed on the White House’s front lawn for their annual Easter family photo.

Although the president opted for a subtle gray suit, Michelle, Sasha and Malia Obama gave spring an extra boost with bright, vivid colors. Also included in the photo were the family dogs, Bo and Sunny.


The photo, which was posted on the White House’s official Instagram, was captioned with a simple, “Happy Easter!”


But, as with anything the family does, there were those critics who nitpicked at the length of the first daughters’ skirts.


Proving once again that people love policing other people’s children. At the ages of 16 and 13, Malia and Sasha were definitely dressed age-appropriately. Remember the last time someone talked badly about the first daughters’ clothes? It didn’t go so well for them.