I knew it would happen.
For too long, white America has pleaded with officials to hold someone accountable for the disproportionate violence inflicted upon the unarmed victims of state-sponsored brutality. This is the culmination of years of Caucasian protest, activism and advocacy. White people have finally put their money where their mouths are. I predicted this would happen and now my prophecy has come true.
The All Lives Matter movement is finally a reality.
Police in Portsmouth, Virginia have charged the first Black woman to serve as Virginia’s Senate Pro Tempore and other members of a radical Black supremacist group with felonies after they planned a terrorist hate crime that resulted in multiple injuries to three unarmed victims.
...On a Confederate monument.
Senator Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) and several members of the NAACP are charged with conspiracy to commit a felony and felony injury to a monument after a Confederate statue was pulled down, just before falling on someone in the crowd...
The monument consists of a large obelisk and statues of four Confederate military personnel. Back in June, statues were beheaded and then pulled down. That’s when one fell on a man in the crowd.
“Of all the incidents that occurred across our nation, our incident was the only incident that resulted in a man being gravely injured,” Chief Angela Greene said.
According to WAVY, Chief Greene held a press conference on Monday to inform Portsmouthians that she was charging Lucas and seven of Lucas’ Negro co-conspirators—including four NAACP representatives—with conspiracy to commit a felony. In addition to those alleged crimes, Greene issued warrants for six others (including three public defenders) on charges that they caused the reported injuries.
The Root managed to obtain exclusive footage of the announcement.
Although Greene seems a little overzealous, if Lucas and her Black-wing terrorist cell pulled down a statue that resulted in a man being injured, then they should be held accountable. As Jesus said during his Sermon on the Mount: “You do the crime, you do the crime.” (Not the one in Matthew, the one in the lost Gospel of Jerome, who was on the apostle waiting list because Thomas hadn’t completed Jerome’s background check. You know how Thomas was always doubting shit.)
There’s one important detail, however, that might change how one perceives these guerilla gangstas. The victims who were injured by this cell of decent public servants did not snitch. They refused to give statements to the cops. It’s not that the victims were afraid of retaliation or public scrutiny. It’s just that...well, they couldn’t talk. See, Lucas and her crew aren’t accused of injuring a person. The law they are charged with breaking is felony injury to a monument in excess of $1,000.
That’s right. A protest that was sparked by the killing of George Floyd—an actual human being—resulted in Black people being arrested for injuring an inanimate object.
The worst part is, the police admit that Lucas didn’t actually topple the rocks shaped to look like white people—only that they prevented the Portsmouth Police Department’s SWAT team from arresting protesters who were painting the monument. Or, as Chief Greene explains it, Lucas and her anti-statue squad “conspired and organized to destroy the monument as well as summon hundreds of people to join in felonious acts.”
It’s probably a coincidence that the police chief filed this warrant just as Lucas, who has served in Virginia’s senate since 1992, was set to introduce a sweeping set of criminal justice reforms, as noted by recovering Blackface addict Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam:
OK, I lied. That’s actually not the worst part. The worst part is that the Commonwealth Attorney (Virginia’s version of a district attorney) didn’t want to file charges. To be clear, a man suffered injuries during the incident, but the Virginia State Police investigated and told Chief Greene to let it go. When she asked the feds, they thought she was on some bullshit and told her to kick rocks. Yet, Chief Greene still charged the monument dismantlers with felonies because “countless monuments were being defaced by protesters.”
“I asked the Virginia State Police to come in to investigate the accident,” Greene said in a statement.“During the state police department’s active investigation of the injury, requests were made for state and federal assistance to conduct an independent investigation of all events and circumstances that led up to and including the significant injury sustained by [the victim]. Understandably, these requests fell outside of the scope of investigation for these law enforcement entities. Furthermore, when a discussion with the commonwealth attorney regarding a special grand jury and a special prosecutor didn’t yield any action, it was the duty of the Portsmouth Police Department to begin a thorough and comprehensive investigation.”
Commonwealth Attorney Stephanie Morales, a Black woman who is also the only district attorney in America to successfully indict more than one case of an on-duty police shooting, told the Associated Press that her office did not sign off on the charges. But Virginia is one of the few states where police departments can file felony charges without a prosecutor’s approval.
“These charges are political, and I think they’re discriminatory,” said Claire G. Gastañaga, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia. “The police department is making decisions about who should be charged in a circumstance in which the elected (prosecutor) is being bypassed...The police want a different result.”
Allies who did not show up to protest the monument to white supremacy praised Lucas from the safety of their Twitter account.
“Louise Lucas is a trailblazing public servant who isn’t afraid to do and say what she believes is right, said former Gov. Terry McAuliffe “Her opposition to a racist monument is the definition of what John Lewis called ‘good trouble.’ I stand with my good friend.”
In defense of Lucas and her co-defendants, multiple witnesses report that two of the statues were armed with swords and another had a long stick. Activists have been calling for the removal of the Confederate Monument (that’s the official name) for more than five years, according to the Virginia Pilot. Located at the site of a whipping post, where the sheriff was responsible for whipping 20 to 30 slaves per day, the city finally removed the monument on June 11, 2020...
The day after the terrorist protesters “injured it.”
The statues have not responded to The Root’s repeated requests for comment.