If you had former First Lady Michelle Obama returning to the White House as president on your 2024 BINGO card, then I regret to inform you that you might ought to take it off.
Contrary to the desires and fervent prayers of some, Mrs. Obama will not be running for President this year or anytime in the near future it seems. The decision was made abundantly clear per a statement sent to NBC News on Tuesday.
“As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” said Crystal Carson, director of communications for her office. “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign.”
In fact, both Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be present on the campaign trail in some limited capacity to help President Biden and Vice President Harris as the 2024 election nears its Nov. daqte.
Per Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz, having the former president and first lady lend their support behind Biden/Harris is paramount to ensuring the “fate of our democracy” for this upcoming election and beyond.
“President and Michelle Obama were enormously helpful in the fight to beat Donald Trump and elect President Biden and Vice President Harris the first time and we are grateful to have their voice and their support in the fight for the fate of our democracy this November,” Munoz said.
So, it looks like we’ll have to wait just a little while longer until we get our first Black woman president. But fret not, we as Black women already deal with the weight of the world on our shoulders on a daily basis as it is. Maybe, just maybe, this is one major responsibility we can sit out on.