The highly praised, Nancy Buirski-directed documentary The Loving Story will make its television debut this Valentine's Day on HBO. The documentary details the lives of the high-profile interracial couple Mildred and Richard Loving, whose marriage was the subject the landmark Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia, which outlawed state laws targeting interracial marriage. Coupling the Lovings' history-making marriage with opinions of interracial marriage today, The Loving Story showcases the triumphs and continued obstacles of interracial love in the United States today.
Upon its theatrical release, The Loving Story filled theaters and garnered recognition from a bevy of film festivals, including the Tribeca Film Festival and Silverdocs.
The Loving Story airs Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 9 p.m. on HBO.
Previous recommendation: Film Takes a New Look at the Motor City.
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