Fifty Shades of Bey*

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Beyoncé has set the internet on fire… again, this time by re-recording “Crazy in Love” for the soundtrack of the upcoming film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey. The new version is slower, breathier, and sexier, and it’s pretty much the exact sort of thing you’d overlay sexually tense shots of two okay-looking White people with. The song seems to be getting more buzz than the movie itself, though that isn’t terribly surprising.

*Jay-Z would probably call that a triple entendre. He’d be wrong, but we’re still cleverer than thou. Booyashaka.

Roll Call is a daily collection of interesting news stories, articles, blogs, and thinkpieces, curated by Tonja Stidhum and Natalie Degraffinried. They both have big hair, but they are not the same person.