Police are concerned that the body of a woman, discovered hidden underneath a tree in southwest Atlanta on Monday, may be that of Stacey English, who has been missing since Christmas, WSBTV 2 reports.
The concern arises because the body was discovered in the same area near her home where English's Volvo was found running unattended on Dec. 27. Police and her family have been searching for her since.
Police had not positively identified the body, but members of English's family were called to the scene.
"If this is not her, I have to still be sad because it's someone else's child," said English's aunt, Bernice English. She spoke with police and then talked to reporters not far from where the woman's body was discovered.
A Facebook page called "Help Find Stacey English" had a message posted on it saying, "We are so thankful and humbled by everyone's love, support and prayers. Please make sure you share the following information with everyone: as we sit here with the family tonight, we can share that there has been no official confirmation that the body found in Southwest Atlanta is that of Stacey English. Keep praying FB family!"
Family members said English had attempted suicide nearly three years ago and said she was taking an undisclosed medication.
We're glad the police appear to be working to solve this case. We hope English's family can find some answers soon.
Read more at WSBTV 2.