Look, I’m sure at this point in the game you don’t need me to tell you that Stacey Abrams is nothing short of a force of nature. She ran for governor of Georgia in 2018 and, in doing so, became the first black woman ever to be nominated for governor by a major party. While she gained a record number of votes statewide, she lost the race amidst a number of voter suppression tactics. But instead of being discouraged, she decided to fight.
Toward the end of 2018, Abrams formed Fair Fight, a political action committee dedicated to making sure elections are fair and secure. CBS News reports that since its inception the PAC has raised nearly $20 million. In the month of January alone, it raised $1.2 million and a campaign contribution disclosure shows the organization has about $12 million on hand.
This is great news as the 2020 races start to heat up. Fair Fight has already started working on efforts to protect elections in 18 battleground states. Additionally, in November 2018 they launched a lawsuit against the Georgia Secretary of State and Board of Elections due to unconstitutional voting practices in the state. According to the PAC’s website, Fair Fight is dedicated to voter outreach, election reform and targeted voter registration.
We’ve seen time and time again that the Republican Party is hell-bent on suppressing the votes of the young, the black and the folks simply not messing with them like that. If they can’t win an election, you can be damn sure they will try to steal one. Thanks to organizations like Fair Fight, hopefully, those efforts will be in vain.