The duo Black Violin—comprised of members Kev Marcus and Wil Baptiste— merge hip-hop, classical and rock elements to create dynamic music with a message. And on the two-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting, they’re making a statement with the world premiere of their music video “One Step.”
“‘One Step’ intends to take the audience on an emotional ride and inspire them to think about a hopeful future,” Marcus told The Root. “Every moment of the video touches on subjects with which we are familiar.”
Revolving around the controversial themes of gun violence, immigration, and police brutality, the video takes viewers on an emotional journey through America’s current climate.
“In so many different capacities, our humanity is challenged at every turn. How we combat the revolving loss of our young ones will solely depend on us,” Baptiste told The Root. “The hope is that we will accept our individual roles. We will need each other in order to accomplish this task, which, at times, may seem impossible.”
For the group, the message behind “One Step” is personal. Both Marcus and Baptiste grew up 10 minutes away from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.—the site of the deadliest high school shooting in US history—and Marcus had a family member in class when the shooting took place.
“Children deserve to be protected, yet our society chooses to turn a blind eye to the rights and lives of our youngest citizens,” Marcus said. “If artists like us remain quiet and don’t use our platforms to at least keep the conversation going, then we’re doing a disservice to our community.”
Additionally, Baptiste immigrated to the United States as a child and knows about our country’s broken immigration system all too well. Which is exactly why they’re using their talents to speak up for those who aren’t being heard.
“This video is a reflection of the current world around us,” Marcus said. “The question is: How will we change it for the better?”
Watch the world premiere of Black Violin’s “One Step” below.