Nick Cannon recently quit his cushy-appearing job as the host of America's Got Talent after the execs at his home company, NBC, allegedly considered terminating his contract after he made some comments about being censored, to include statements such as, "But I can’t say that. I can’t talk like that. That would mess up the white money," in relation to some of the shenanigans on America's Got Talent. This, ladies and gentleman, is some rich shit. Only a rich nword would bite the hand thats feeding him, unless he's eating out of several folks hands. Nick, you a wild boy.
But we at VSB think there may be more than just censorship at play. And it turns out we were correct. We stumbled upon a leaked email exchange between Nick Cannon and some anonymous exec at NBC. Below you'll find the full transcript.
FROM: Boss (
TO: Fun Black Guy Nick (
Date: February 13, 2017 at 630am
Nick, we'd like to talk to you about your comedy special, and the negative remarks about the show. Are you available for some chai lattes and mini-golf, say, around…2-ish? :)
Date: February 13, 2017 at 632am
I WILL NOT BE SILENCED. i expected some shit like this from y'all. we learned about you white people at Howard University. Black man make a little dough - and i have a lot more than a little - and you try to tell him what he cant say on stage. fuck y'all. I WILL NOT BE CENSORED.
FROM: Boss (
TO: Fun Black Guy Nick (
Date: February 13, 2017 at 639am
Nick, do you mean Harvard? either way, i think you misunderstand. we just want to talk about whats okay to say. its our show after all? seriously…maybe some decaf coffee. We'll even get you some of those white doves you like so much.
Date: February 13, 2017 at 654am
FROM: Boss (
TO: Fun Black Guy Nick (
Date: February 13, 2017 at 752am
Whose name? I'm lost, Nick. Look, we really just want to sit down with you and hash this out. You know we love you around here but it would be really nice if you didn't poo-poo our show like that. What is white money anyway? Is that a slang term? Real question. I checked and didn't see anything there.
Date: February 13, 2017 at 830am
You know what, because you don't understand what its like to be a Black man in America, and don't get my struggle, fuck y'all. I quit. I hear you all talking about me behind my back, talking about what I need to be saying and don't need to be saying and saying shit that I ain't said about shit I ain't said shit about. And I'm over it and you all. Y'all can keep the measly $4 million a year you pay me to make little odd-ball children and adults normal. For real, b…HALF THESE NIGGAS AINT GOT TALENT. You better open this shit up to Canada cuz we strugglin. Justin Trudeau can feel, me, ya dig. So fuck y'all as a label, a staff, and a motherfucking crew. Quit trying to hold Black folks down.
FROM: Boss (
TO: Fun Black Guy Nick (
Date: February 13, 2017 at 831am
WHOA WHOA WHOA! Nick, you're "wildin' out!" (did I use that right?) there's no need to make hasty decisions here or make it racial, Nick. we love you (and all Black people) and nobody is trying to tell you what you (or other Black people, happy Black History Month) can or can't say. we just don't want you to say certain things and would also like you not to say them out loud. That's not censorship. we're paying you. that's called employment. I got the doves.
Date: February 13, 2017 at 835am
Mamba, out.