Writing at Ebony, Michael Arceneaux says the Republican is "a black face spouting the kind of nonsense you'd expect to hear at a gathering of White nationalists."
Are we going to have to wait for every one of the bullheaded bigoted white conservatives strangling the Republican Party into submission to drop dead before we get a Black GOP candidate who doesn’t sound like Uncle Ruckus’ lovechild from a one-night stand loving Klansman?
I’m hoping not because as the country’s demographics continue to shift towards people the color of fried chicken and blackened catfish versus a bowl of grits, it’d be best if the Grand Old Party found minority candidates who didn’t sound like the sight of their own skin makes them squeal in disgust. Meet E.W. Jackson, Virginia's new Republican nominee for lieutenant governor. Jackson is the first Black candidate the party has nominated for statewide office since 1988. It’s too bad he sounds like your garden-variety pasty person harboring lots of prejudice.
Case in point: in 2011 Jackson claimed that the constitution’s original clause that counted Blacks as three-fifths of a person was an “anti-slavery amendment.” Talking Points Memo reports that the statement was used to attack President Obama after a pastor at a church service he attended noted the clause highlighted the country’s history with racism.
Jackson said: “Rev. [Charles Wallace] Smith must not have understood the 3/5ths clause was an anti-slavery amendment. Its purpose was to limit the voting power of slave holding states.”
Read Michael Arceneaux's entire piece at Ebony.
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Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.