Last week, Malia nearly broke the internet when she was photographed standing outside a store in LA. Some outlets wrote about her smoking (which isn’t new information even though some people will always be dramatic about it) but GQ couldn’t help but talk about the fits. “Taking a smoke break outside an LA convenience store, Malia wore an earth-toned cropped knit cardigan from the Australian brand Kina & Tam (whose website describes its overall design philosophy as “dopamine dressing”), lug-soled black boots, and high-waisted pleated wool slacks. The trousers, to be sure, are the real stars of the show ...”
We also wrote about her look. Let’s face it, Sasha and Malia Obama, our favorite First Daughters, have grown up before our eyes! Their mom used to dress them simple and conservatively, in jewel-colored outfits when they were in the White House. But they have grown to have a much different fashion sense since leaving DC! Here’s a gallery of the evolution of their individual styles!