Vital programs to the poor and working class, such as Medicare, unemployment insurance and food stamps, will be cut if the GOP ticket gets elected in November — which is why voting is so important, Tamika Mallory writes at NewsOne.
Less than three months left, less than three months until one of the most-important elections of our lifetimes. For everyone who thinks they can just stay at home, or that they can't be bothered to vote this time around, let me remind you what's at stake: Medicare, unemployment insurance, health care, programs to help the most impoverished like food stamps and more — pretty much everything you take for granted as a citizen in this country. The reality is, if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan win office, you can be guaranteed that one of their first moves will be to cut beneficial, necessary programs that are essential in a tough economy like today.
How do I know? Ryan already told us — just take a look at his proposed budget plan.
So to all the young voters out there who think they can sit this one out: you'd better wake up and realize it's your future at stake.
How many of us wouldn't like to be self-sufficient? There isn't a person in this country or on this planet for that matter that wouldn't enjoy being so self-sustained that they have no financial worries whatsoever for the rest of their lives. For people like Ryan, Romney, and the 1 percent, it's easy to sit there and talk about less government and self-sufficiency, but they have never gone to bed hungry, slept on a park bench, worked four jobs to put food on the table, sacrificed a dream in order to send a child to school, or suffered from severe depression because there's no hope left.
Read Tamika Mallory's entire piece at NewsOne.
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