If you used social media at all over the past couple of weeks, your timeline was probably flooded with photos of families wearing matching Christmas pajamas. Whether you think the tradition is cute or corny, you know the whole point of the pics is for everyone (even the family dog) to match.
That’s exactly why one family is getting some unexpected attention for their now-viral Christmas pajama pics.
Five-year-old Trü sat for a Christmas pajama photo shoot with his father, step mother and half siblings. The only problem is that while the rest of the family is perfectly matching from their festive green tops down to their furry slippers, Trü is the only one wearing a pair of black pajamas that are completely different from the rest of the family.
Trü’s mom took her frustration with the incident to the court of social media to let others weigh in. In a two-part video she posted to TikTok, she explained that she and her son’s father usually alternate weekends with Trü, but that the father texted her and asked if he could pick him up from school on December 20. Even though that would have been a weekend for Trü to spend with his mother since the father had already been with him the weekend before, his mother obliged.
While Mom offered to do Trü’s hair before sending him off with his dad, she says he never mentioned anything about the photo shoot. Instead, she was surprised when her ex sent her the family photo on Christmas Day.
“At 12:16pm on Christmas, Dad sends me their Christmas pictures and I’m like ‘ok cute, but why doesn’t my son have on the same pajamas as everybody else?’” she said.
While she said she had no problem with her son taking the photo, Trü’s mom was upset that they dressed him in the pajamas she sent for him to sleep in rather than buying him a new set like everyone else.
“My whole problem about this whole situation is that my son did not match everybody else,” she said in her post. “And I feel like the pictures were already booked on Dad’s free weekend. My kid was not supposed to be there, therefore, my kid was never a part of the plan.”
Dad’s response was the store didn’t have Trü’s size.
Trü’s step mom also weighed in on Facebook, arguing that she would never do anything to make him feel left out. Instead, she said, he was added to the picture at the last minute and they didn’t have time to change their wardrobe plans, writing in part:
“His daddy couldn’t find any and we already had our pjs and I also said I didn’t feel comfortable with him not matching but it was tooo late because our shoot was literally mins away & i DEFINITELY didn’t know he was going to be in our pictures and the MOTHER THAT IAM I WOULD NEVERRRRRRRR EVERRRR LEAVE HIM OUT OF NUN & I never did.”
As you can expect, the comment section exploded with people who weren’t buying Dad’s story.
“Why wasn’t his pjs purchased when everyone’s else’s was??? That’s the real question,” someone asked in the comments.
And many more blamed Dad for going through with the photo shoot, even though Trü was not dressed like everyone else.
“Dad should’ve made sure everyone matched or no one did,” wrote another commenter.
Although many commenters argued that the choice to dress Trü differently was intentionally cruel, one commenter suggested his mom see her son as someone special.
“Daddy wrong. I’d just consider my baby as the main character though lol,” wrote someone.