Over the weekend, New York City’s PIX 11 news anchor Mario Diaz was conducting a live report on the arrest of actor Shia LaBeouf when he became the victim of videobomb. But it wasn’t just any person trying to get his or her shine on—it just happened to be Grammy winner Erykah Badu. Badu, wearing what looked like Pharrell’s hat, appeared behind Diaz and started to make faces.
Unswayed by her antics, Diaz pushed Badu away before she could go in for the kill, which was actually an attempt to kiss him. Diaz’s in-studio anchor teased him about the incident when he ended his report. “Good recovery there,” the anchor said.
Although Badu initially denied that she was in the video, she tweeted apologies to Diaz.
Later that evening, Badu attended Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing block party, along with Dave Chappelle, Public Enemy, Wesley Snipes, Yasiin Bey and others.
Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
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