Eric Trump Might Be the Dumbest Trump Out of All the Trumps

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It is difficult for me to type this because I know that the degree of stupidity inside the Trump family is as wide as the Sahara, but Eric Trump might be the dumbest Trump in the history of Trumps.

I know, I know. But I come with receipts.

On Tuesday, President Sterling von DickTweet’s second son, who freakishly resembles a vampire that’s been run over by a truck—seriously, he doesn’t look like an out-of-work vampire who’s drowning in sea of child support payments?—

... Anyway, Eric Trump took a screenshot of Twitter’s suggestions for accounts that he should follow, along with the hashtag #DeepState. That screenshot included the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, and perpetual name in his father’s anus-shaped mouth, Hillary Clinton; former president, and most black folks’ president for life, Barack Obama; and wild card, and liberal funny woman, Ellen DeGeneres.


For those of us who don’t follow white supremacist politics, the “deep state” is a concept embraced by Trump and many of his minions. Here is how the New York Times explains it:

Though the deep state is sometimes discussed as a shadowy conspiracy, it helps to think of it instead as a political conflict between a nation’s leader and its governing institutions.

That can be deeply destabilizing, leading both sides to wield state powers like the security services or courts against one another, corrupting those institutions in the process.


President Titi von ShitWad has referred to the Justice Department as the “Deep State Justice Dept” that is undermining his authority.

The point is, Eric Trump’s assertion that Twitter’s algorithms that came up with the suggestions of Barry O, Clinton and DeGeneres are somehow the work of the deep state might make him the dumbest Trump, a feat that seems almost unachievable.


Twitter users, of course, had something to say about this:


I think that Eric Trump is leading the pack in 2018.

Read more at the New York Times.