Eric Garner’s Daughter Lays Wreath on Memorial for Slain NY Officers

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On Monday Eric Garner's daughter, Emerald Garner, visited the memorial for two New York City police officers who were killed Saturday. Emerald Garner laid a wreath at the makeshift site for officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, who were fatally shot by lone gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley while sitting in their patrol car. Brinsley committed suicide shortly after the killings.

"I just had to come out and let their family know that we stand with them, and I'm going to send my prayers and condolences to all the families who are suffering through this tragedy," Emerald Garner told ABC News.

The 22-year-old visited with the Ramos family earlier in the week and told the New York Post that a Facebook post from 13-year-old Jaden Ramos, expressing his grief over his father's death, touched her.


"Today I had to say bye to my father," Jaden wrote in his Facebook post. "He was the best father I could ask for. It's horrible that someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer."


"It hit my heart," Emerald Garner told the New York Daily News while she laid the wreath. "I know how it feels in this season to not have your father around."


Eric Garner died after being placed in a choke hold by a New York police officer. His dying words, "I can't breathe," have become a rallying cry for protesters demonstrating against police brutality.