The first rule of working with Beyoncé is: You do not talk about working with Beyoncé. But that didn’t stop us from…
Black literature is something to be celebrated year-round but during this month of socially distanced debauchery,…
Way back yonder—in late 2018—I co-founded a book club with the owners of MahoganyBooks, Derrick and Ramunda Young.…
There’s a reason Black women call each other “sister.” Even if we bear no blood relation or resemblance—and despite…
As a part of DC’s ongoing Future State event, The Next Batman depicts a near-future where Bruce Wayne/Batman is…
It has already been a historic year for Black women, and this week we can reflect on the legacies of history-making…
Ask any author or publisher, and they’ll tell you that garnering enough demand for reprints of any book is a very…
Last year may not have brought an abundance of pleasures, but one of its standouts was George M. Johnson’s literary…
When The 1619 Project debuted in 2019, it shed much-needed perspective on the history of African descendants in…
To say that Michelle Buteau keeps it real would be an understatement. The comedian, actress and now author of Surviva…
Today has been really emotional. My own moods swung from pure delight to pure anxiety as I woke up this morning and…
Remember that time a huge swath of Americans convinced themselves the country was “post-racial” following the…
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to find joy in reading again. I had this same goal last year–and let’s face it,…
One of the most fun facts about Stacey Abrams, the attorney, political powerhouse, voting rights activist and former…
“I always say, writing a first novel, you feel like you’re writing in the dark, unsure of whether or not your book…
If you weren’t one of the millions resigned to spend New Year’s Eve alone this year (thanks again, COVID), you may…
Merry Christmas or whatever you’re celebrating this holiday weekend, Bibliophiles! Understandably, you may not be…
Of all the adjectives we’d use to describe 2020, “good” wouldn’t exactly top the list. But as this most eventful…
If the ongoing pandemic has reignited your passion for reading (or simply deepened it), say no more, Fam. Shawn…
Walter Mosley may be best known for writing mysteries—though his bestselling Easy Rawlins series are among the…