Enough About Michelle Obama's Clothing

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Michael Arceneaux writes in a piece for Ebony that the interest in the first lady's style (not to mention that of Ann Romney) has become absurd.

Hopefully you're sitting down as I relay this shocking message to you: Conservatives are cranky over something concerning Michelle Obama.

Compose yourself. I have more to say.

Last Friday, the First Lady attended an Olympics reception for heads of state at Buckingham Palace, rocking a J. Mendel cap sleeve jacket from the 2013 Resort collection. Washington Post writers Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger described the jacket, which retails at $6800, as "princely" and "very fancy."

So what are members of the right complaining about this time?

After Mitt Romney's wife Ann wore a $900 blouse back in May, Washington Post writer Suzi Parker argued that "Ann's pricey shirt will not help her husband change those perceptions, no matter how many Laundromat photo ops are on the campaign's daily itinerary."

Recalling shade of the past aimed at Ann and praise for Michelle in the present, conservatives crying hypocrisy, liberal bias, blah, blah, and then some.

Read Michael Arecenaux's entire piece at Ebony.com.

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Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.