Everyone is supposed to forget they saw it. Pretend that the Nazi salute wasn’t a Nazi salute. That Elon Musk - that little baby-making weirdo no one would think twice about if he wasn’t the world’s richest man - didn’t really mean to offer up a Seig Heil.
My opinion? It was a Nazi salute. He meant it. Some of us will laugh about it so we won’t cry about it. And today, he’ll be castigating people for thinking the Nazi salute was, you know, a Nazi salute.
This is the Trumpocracy. Day One. These are the opening credits of the horror movie Black folks told America it was about to see. America didn’t listen. We told America the noise was coming from inside the house, and America confidently crawled out of bed at 3 a.m. armed with a flashlight and a furrowed brow.
Are we at that point in “Get Out” where Chris is thinking that his hot girl’s family is a little off but he should just see it through? Or are we - already - well on our way to the sunken place?
Elon Musk, the apartheid baby who feeds at the government trough, is about to head up a government agency tasked with cutting spending. I vote sunken place. But what’s a panicked people to do? Piling on Snoop or Nelly or Soulja Boy might feel good, but it’s not the answer. (Weren’t they always about the money?)
We need a survival strategy, the equivalent of a basement full of canned goods, guns and ammunition when the zombies take over. We need leaders, people who aren’t afraid of that noise in the night, people who can shoot straight and parcel out even portions of food.
It would be nice if more saw what Elon showed the world and didn’t try to write it off as more of his relentless goofiness. Remember, this is the same Elon who endorsed the far-right party…in Germany, the place that birthed the Nazis. What, Trump gets sworn in and suddenly two plus two equals nine?
Believe what you saw, people. Things that go bump in the night, things that salute genocidal murderers, they mean you harm. Be afraid. Be very afraid.