Elizabeth Warren Pays Tribute to Slain Black Trans Women at LGBTQ Forum, Demands Trump ‘Say Their Names’

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Image for article titled Elizabeth Warren Pays Tribute to Slain Black Trans Women at LGBTQ Forum, Demands Trump ‘Say Their Names’
Photo: Scott Olson (Getty Images)

Elizabeth Warren gets it.

As the latest edition of The Root’s 2020 Presidential Black Power Rankings indicates, the 70-year-old Senator is firing on all cylinders in her quest to rid the Oval Office of its imbecilic orange incumbent.

She’s got a plan for damn near everything, and when she’s not preoccupied with dismantling the race wage gap or climbing in the polls with black voters, she’s using her platform to remind the world that yes, Black Trans Lives Matter.


From Out:

At Friday night’s historic LGBTQ Forum, candidates were asked to give opening statements by way of answering a simple, common question: what can voters expect from them in the first 100 days of office, if elected. Elizabeth Warren, who came up to the stage shortly after it was announced that the forum was trending in the top five topics worldwide on Twitter, told the audience that she would rather show than tell.

In a moving tribute, her hands shaking at some points, Warren began to read off the 18 names of the Black trans women that have been reported murdered this year.


“18 trans women of color who have been killed so far this year,” she told the audience after reading the list. “It is time for a president of the United States of America to say their names.”


After receiving a standing ovation, Warren added, “The cost of inequality for trans people, particularly trans women of color, has now reached a moment of crisis and it is time for everyone in America to speak out on this issue.”

I couldn’t agree more, and others took to Twitter to express their own appreciation for Warren’s actions.


“Not only did Elizabeth Warren start out reading the names of the black trans women killed this year; she made it clear that she will keep fighting for our basic rights!” Ashlee Marie Preston, a trans activist, journalist, and 2017 honoree for The Root 100 tweeted. “I know it’s the “LGBTQ” community; but during a crisis like this—the “T” deserves to come first.”


Like I said, Elizabeth Warren gets it.