Eddie Murphy Releases a New Reggae Song

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Who knew that Eddie “Party All the Time” Murphy was back in the studio making music? Last week a new single popped up on SoundCloud, and Murphy is giving everyone a reggae vibe.

 “Oh Jah Jah” is set to be released via iTunes on Jan. 27 by reggae label VP Records. From the looks of the comments on SoundCloud, Murphy may have made some new fans. SoundCloud user Teomon wrote, “Ya Eddie. Sing de roots my bradda.”

Last February, Murphy teased on Twitter that a new album would be released that spring, but nothing came of it. What was released was a video for a song titled “Promise (You Won’t Break My Heart),” which seemed like a possible single from his new album.



Maybe “Oh Jah Jah” is just what Murphy needs to get him back into music.