While our very own Michael Harriot took the time to express his gratitude to white America for being so kind as to end the barbaric institution known as slavery, Rev. Dr. Bernice King—CEO of Atlanta’s King Center for Nonviolent Social Change—opted for a different route.
I’ll allow Michael to explain:
On Tuesday,
political commentatoretiquette instructor Kate Pavlich, who fills Fox News’ mandatory blonde position on Outnumbered, appeared on the Trump Support Network to remind viewers that negroes have never formally thanked this country for ending slavery. Gurgling a mixture of privilege-flavored white tears, Pavlich’s voice quivered with ignorance as she chastised people who blame America for slavery.“They keep blaming America for the sin of slavery but the truth is, throughout human history, slavery has existed,” Pavlich explained, using the most-used entry from the Official Manual of White Excuses. “And America came along as the first country to end it within 150 years. And we get no credit for trying to move forward and trying to make good on that.”
And before you pick your jaw up from the floor and ask “Did she really say that shit?” Yes, she really did. Which prompted the 55-year-old minister to remove her earrings and mosey on down to Twitter to offer a rebuttal.
“America doesn’t deserve credit for ‘ending slavery’,” she began. “What America ended (on paper) reflects an ideology and a quest for power at the expense of humanity that are still prevalent in the policies, spirit and mores of this nation.”
“Also, a nation gets no credit for ‘ending’ a violent atrocity that it allowed and cultivated on its soil and in other nations,” she continued in a subsequent tweet.
Then as white tears descended from the sky, and Twitter user @tinagolden71165 fought through violent sobs to reply with, “If you truly believe this, you will never help bring our county together,” Bernice had something for that ass too.
“Lying about and denying the history of this nation and the influence slavery still has on us today won’t bring us together,” Bernice, ever the diplomat, countered. “Truth must precede and accompany reconciliation. Truth: People who point out racism and its dangers aren’t dividing us. Racism is. It’s killing people, too.”
So sorry, white America. Don’t expect us to thank ya’ll for shit.
Our Queen has spoken.