Primetime co-anchor John Quiñones hosted a segment of "What Would You Do?" On this particular segment, he held an experiment with two bicycle thieves, one white and the other black. The men were dressed the same and had tools to break the locks off of the bikes, which were located in an exposed area. Each man attempted to steal the bike in broad daylight. The white "thief" was allowed to go about his business pretty much unbothered, even breaking out an electric saw to draw more attention, because people failed to stop him. More than 100 people passed by, and only one couple attempted to contact authorities. Someone even wished him good luck. The black bicycle "thief" — not so much. He was immediately surrounded and yelled at, and people were whipping out cell phones and snapping pictures of the "thief." The ironic and pathetic part about the story is that in between the experiments, two black women came upon the white "thief" and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. They also explained what would happen if it was a black guy stealing the bike, and guess what, they were right. Nobody gave the brother the benefit of the doubt. We're glad that John Quiñones is shedding light on what we already know: There is a double standard when it comes to crime. Black people are often guilty until proven innocent, which is why, when people are actually committing crimes — like killing their children or throwing acid on themselves to gain sympathy and money — they usually blame a black person. Guess what? It works, every time.
Check out the video of the experiment below: