Don't Mess With the Lohan: Meet Shawn Chapman Holley

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What is more interesting than watching Lindsay Lohan break down over having to serve time in the pokey? The battle royale that ensued between her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley and prosecutor Danette Meyers. Two sisters going at it over America's most troubled former sweetheart. They don't make movies this interesting. Myers painted Lindsay as a spoiled celebrity, thumbing her nose at the justice system, while Holley objected profusely, maintaining her client's innocence. Holley had been able to accomplish the unthinkable: keeping Lohan out of jail for a 2007 drunk-driving conviction even after multiple probation violations, including missed court appearances, missed alcohol testing and a violation of the alcohol ankle-monitoring system. Despite all of this, Holley managed to keep her out of jail until yesterday, when Meyers drove home the point that Lindsay, who had curse words emblazoned on her fingernails, did not respect the judge or the court. Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail, which she will serve away from the general population. Afterward, she will have to go into an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility. She is expected to serve 25 percent of the sentence. If we get into trouble, we're calling Chapman Holley. But wait — we're not wealthy, white celebrities.

Read more at the Los Angeles Times.