Don't Believe 'The Game' Hype

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I get a lot of my celeb news from Twitter. DJ AM died? Nia Long kirked out on Beyoncé? Read about that through many retweets. Maya Angelou in the hospital in L.A.? Yeah, I found that out from Twitter, too. However, TMZ blasted that out on Twitter, and they were dead wrong. Angelou wasn’t even in L.A. at that time. She’s fine and well.

So with the little bit of journalism bona fides that I do have, I look at every link, post, rant and trending topic with a bit more skepticism now. Today was a prime example. A friend posted a link from Sister 2 Sister magazine saying that The Game had officially been picked up for a fourth season. Now it had been said that CBS had released the rights to BET for a fourth season; however, there was still the issue of writers’ salaries, production costs and cast contracts. Excited as I was, I clicked on the link only to be directed to an article with ONE source on the matter. Drew Sidora. Yes, the same Drew Sidora who had Derwin texting recipes and cheating on Melanie. The same Drew Sidora who wasn’t even on the show any more. Was there a quote or statement from BET? Was there some sort of substantiated source from CBS, who owns the rights to The Game? No. And no.

Like one of the directors of the show, Matthew Cherry (@director_cherry) later tweeted, “I'll believe it when I see it in an official press release from BET.” Thank you, some sense on the matter.


All else aside, Sister 2 Sister and Drew Sidora could be totally right about The Game, which was canceled in the spring after the CW decided to scrap its black programming and 30-minute sitcoms. But before we jump the gun and slap five for all the petitioning and campaigning we did to save one of our favorite shows, can we PUH-LEASE get a final, and officiated, playback on The Game? And even then, I'll only believe it when I see it.