Donald Trump unveiled his "new deal for Black America" Wednesday to a predominantly white Charlotte, N.C., crowd, and painted himself as the great white savior to fix all the problems plaguing the black community.
According to NBC News, Trump's plan includes three concepts meant to sway African-American voters: safe communities, great education and higher-paying jobs. And because Trump is completely unaware of the current issue of African Americans tired of the over-policing of black communities, Trump promised more police in "blighted communities."
Trump perpetuated the stereotype that black neighborhoods are places where "you walk to the store to buy a loaf of bread, maybe with your child, and you get shot, your child gets shot."
NBC News notes that Trump didn't address his earlier comments about the Second Amendment or gun control. Instead, he pushed a narrative that undocumented immigrants are stealing jobs from African Americans.
"Illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African Americans," Trump said. "No group has been more economically harmed by decades of illegal immigration than low-income African-American workers."
Trump insisted that a wall along the Mexican border would "restore the civil rights" to the black community, NBC News reports. Trump also mentioned tax holidays and tax incentives as a way to encourage businesses to return to "blighted" inner cities. Trump said that he also wants to "seek a federal disaster designation … in order to initiate the rebuilding of vital infrastructure, the demolition of abandoned properties and the increased presence of law enforcement," NBC News reports.
So, you hear that, black America? Trump is going to save our blighted communities and us!
Read more at NBC News.