Donald Trump Says the ‘Abolition of Civil Rights’ Is One of Our Country’s ‘Greatest Strides’

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Have you ever been watching or listening to someone speak, and suddenly the next thing that comes out of their mouth is something you know they truly believe but did not mean to actually say out loud?

That happened to “President” Donald Trump on Thursday morning at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.


While addressing the attendees at the breakfast, Trump said “Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides—from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights, to extending the vote for women—have been led by people of faith and started in prayer.”


“When we open our hearts to faith, we fill our hearts with love,” he added.

We would hope that the president said this on accident, but those hopes are shaken by the fact that he slowly and surely has been doing everything in his power to dismantle our civil rights as we know them since he got into office.


Was he speaking from a teleprompter, or did they force him to try to memorize his speech before he got up to the podium to speak?

Either way, this is an embarrassing gaffe, and one that does not stray too far from the way we already know this man thinks.


He has repeatedly and unequivocally displayed his racist, xenophobic and white nationalist views in public. He doesn’t seem to understand how bad a look it is for him.

But today, his “Freudian slip” puts on full display what he is really thinking anyway.