President Barack Obama has done nothing for African Americans and "set the bar very low," according to Donald Trump, who also says he thinks Obama's done such a bad job, there won't be another black president for a long time.
In an interview with ABC News Sunday, the Republican presidential candidate said that President Obama has "set a very poor standard" for African Americans.
"He has done nothing for African Americans. You look at what's gone on with their income levels. You look at what's gone on with their youth. I thought that he would be a great cheerleader for this country. I thought he'd do a fabulous job for the African-American citizens of this country. He has done nothing," Trump said.
"They have problems now in terms of unemployment numbers; look at their unemployment numbers. And you have—here you have a black president who's done very poorly for the African Americans of this country," Trump said.
This isn't the first time that Trump has waxed poetic about African-American voters' distrust of Obama's politics. In 2014 he tweeted: "Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!"
Trump did offer a prediction for those he says have grown tired of Obama in office: "I think that I will win the African-American vote and I think I will win the Hispanic vote."
Read more at ABC News.