Donald Trump Jr., a.k.a. Whose mans is this? a.k.a. Not-Ivanka, a.k.a. Vanessa Trump’s baby daddy, claims to have fixed the controversial Nike ad by adding his father’s flaccid face.
“Not-Ivanka” posted his version of the Nike ad to his Instagram page on Wednesday.
Since the debut of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad for the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” campaign, the khaki-short-and-polo crowd has been in an uproar. Since the majority of Trump voters wear New Balance, it’s kinda a moot point, but these cornballs have gone so far as to swear off Nikes and even cutting the Nike swoosh off their socks and burning their Nike Air Monarchs.
Since Vanessa Trump’s baby daddy’s official job in the administration is IG poster, the “fixed” ad was probably commissioned by the president and took Not-Ivanka all day to create. Who are we kidding? Lil Donnie outsourced that IG post.
The Trump administration has taken a hankering to bashing Colin Kaepernick, who began kneeling “during the national anthem in 2016 to bring attention to police brutality against African-Americans as well as other racial injustices,” according to CBS News.
President Trump has made the NFL players protest about the flag and soldiers, a common position taken by white nationalists, and has used Kaepernick and other protesting players as whipping boys during his continuous rallies because this president can’t stop fucking rallying.
On Wednesday, the president used No. 8 in his “How to Win White Supremacist Friends and Influence White Nationalists” handbook, which states that when the world is burning to the ground, just claim that the opposition is suffering.
The funniest part about all of this is the NFL response to Nike’s ad. On Tuesday, the NFL released a statement noting that: “The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.”
Alas, the man who risked his dream to bring these issues to America’s front door is still without a job.