Donald Trump Hates Muslims (Old Kanye Voice)

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Let’s recap: First Donald Trump’s administration issues a Muslim ban, which they don’t want called a ban, but the president and his lackey Sean “Spicy Facts” Spicer have both called it a ban. The ban stops people from seven predominantly Muslim countries from coming to the U.S.

Now comes the news that the Department of Homeland Security’s current Countering Violent Extremism program, which was created to fight violent ideologies, including white supremacy, may become “Countering Islamic Extremism” or “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism,” Reuters reports.

With the name change, the program would exclude white supremacists from its purview and focus only on Muslims, in line with President Asshat’s campaign promise to get tough on “radical Islamic terror.”


Some program supporters say that changing the name and focus will only foster more anti-U.S. sentiments as President Bannon—I mean Trump—continues to push his white supremacist agenda. But Reuters also notes that even some supporters have acknowledged that the program has been ineffective.


“That is concerning for us because they are targeting a faith group and casting it under a net of suspicion,” Hoda Hawa, director of policy for the Muslim Public Affairs Council, told Reuters.


Read more at Reuters.